Welcome to St. Mary the Virgin, North Shoebury
All updates about service times and events at St Mary’s will be found on our Services Page, via News Items or on our Facebook page (link in the footer at the bottom of this page) and for the very latest updates don’t forget to sign up to our weekly newsletter via the sign-up box on this page.
We are privileged to have an ancient and beautiful Church, for which we are grateful. There has been a Church on this site for over 750 years and we’re planning to be here for another 750 years!
Our Church is situated in a beautiful spot, next to a wooded conservation area, and surrounded on three sides by trees and bushes. It was a country church and sometimes it seems it still is.
Our Congregation are friendly and welcoming and we are very pleased to welcome visitors to our regular Sunday morning services, whether the Family Service or the Parish Eucharist both held at 11.15 am on Sundays, and to services at special times of the year – Mothering Sunday, Easter, Harvest Festival and of course Christmas. Our Church is also a beautiful place in which to mark important events in your family life, baptisms, weddings and funerals, knowing that other families have experienced St Mary’s wonderful atmosphere over many centuries.
Please look through our website, read the history of St. Marys, and look out for details not only for our weekly and weekday services but also for our special events.
Our Interregnum has ended and our new Priest in Charge, Mother Claire Abraham has been installed by Bishop Adam in April 2024. We are delighted to welcome her and look forward to moving St Mary’s forward with her in conjunction with her role at Holy Trinity Southchurch. Mother Claire joins a long list of priests who’ve been appointed to St Mary’s over the last 750 years shows that this role has been held by many people and St Mary’s continues to thrive.
We hope that we will see you soon. If you have suggestions for improving our website please do let us know.
Our address is: St. Mary the Virgin, North Shoebury Road, SS3 8UL. A good landmark nearby to aim for is Asda Shoebury! From the store looking north you can see our church.
We have a large car parking area next to the Church which is located down a signposted drive, directly off North Shoebury Road.
There is also a sign for St Mary’s Green adjacent to the driveway. There is a map in our Contact Us section too for reference.
We are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s North Shoebury is a safe place for all.
The Parochial Church Council of St Mary’s North Shoebury has adopted the House of Bishops’ “Promoting a Safer Church Safeguarding Policy Statement”.
Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Mrs Pat Fitch. She can be contacted at church or using the contact details on our Contact page.
St Mary’s Church is part of the Diocese of Chelmsford. For further information about Safeguarding in the Diocese of Chelmsford, follow this link: https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding
For information about the Diocesan Safeguarding Team and Safeguarding contacts in the Diocese of Chelmsford, follow this link https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding/the-diocese-safeguarding-team
To contact the Local Safeguarding Board in Southend, follow this link https://safeguardingsouthend.co.uk/how-to-report-abuse/.
You may also call this number: 01702 534706 (Local Safeguarding Board for children) or 01702 534340 (Local Safeguarding Board for Adults)
If you believe that somebody is in immediate risk of danger or harm you should call 999 and ask for the police.

St Mary’s Open Gardens – Charity Fundraising
Sunday 11th June, 12 to 6pm, come and visit some of St Mary’s gardens. We are raising money for four charities this year, one of which is Trustlinks who have an amazing facility on our doorstep in Elm Road Shoeburyness. It seems appropriate to raise funds in our gardens for their wonderful garden

Holy Week and Easter 2023
Maundy Thursday 6th April 6:30pm - Bring and Share Meal 8pm - Holy Communion and Stripping the Altar Good Friday 7th April 10am - XPLORE Family Service in Church Hall followed by Hot Cross Buns 2pm - a service of Easter Readings, Music and Reflection ...

St Mary’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023
Our annual church meeting to review the activities of 2022 and early 2023 will take place in the Church Hall on Sunday 2nd April after our 10.30am service.