July 2024 Update. Whilst Covid is still circulating, albeit with less impact than previously, members of the congregation may wear facemasks if they feel more comfortable or are medically vulnerable. The PCC has now decided that we will return to sharing the cup at Holy Communion but communicants may decline the cup, leaving the altar rail after receiving the bread if that is their preference.
Sunday Services
Until further notice our regular Sunday morning service will be held at 11.15am. Our new service pattern is as shown below.
• 1st Sunday Holy Communion
• 2nd Sunday Family Service
• 3rd Sunday Holy Communion
• 4th Sunday Holy Communion
• 5th Sunday TBC
• 3rd Sunday Evensong (6.30pm)
If you would like a copy of the Service Sheet for our Family Service click on the photo under this text of the Cross on the windowsill behind the altar which will take you to it.
We will also have an Evensong service on the third Sunday of the month at 6.30pm, music provided by Roger Humphrey from our sister church Holy Trinity.
Midweek Services and Events
At 9am on Monday and 9.15am on Thursday there will be a service of Morning Prayer held in Church and online. On Thursday at 10 am there is a service of Holy Communion which is followed by a Community Coffee Morning in the Church Hall and everyone is welcome. Once a month on the first Thursday our Coffee Morning hosts the Shoebury Community Hub where representatives of local organisations and charities are available to meet with the local community to advise, signpost and give support.
At 8pm on Thursday a group meets on Zoom to talk about ‘issues of the day’ or to think about some part of the Bible that is of interest. At the moment it follows no set agenda and all are welcome to take part. Contact either of the Church wardens for a Zoom link. Currently suspended.